Part 1. Eloqua Implementation Post Smartstart
I am going to take you how I approach a full on Eloqua implementation. I am not however going to teach you how to do it. Big four and other, lesser consultancies take note – Do not ask me for how to guides or my documentation, this is how I make a living. If you want my services, hire me. Simple.
Oracle have just completed your smartstart, what next?
It doesn’t matter if you are migrating from another platform or starting a re-implementation after a number of years of ownership, both implementation and re-implementation have the same steps. My Eloqua implementation section will guide you through all the different steps and background programs you will need for a perfect implementation that will provide you with a solid base which will ensure the success of your marketing automation strategy moving forward.
Each Eloqua implementation line item will need careful consideration and I have developed off the shelf toolkits and guides that speed up out entire process. These are the same toolkits I continuously evolve with each Eloqua Implementation.
For your convenience I have also put together a number of background programs that you should implement in order to get the most out of all subsequent marketing automation initiatives.
Essential Eloqua Pre-Implementation Considerations
- Eloqua Architecture Documentation
- Eloqua Marketing Systems Overview
- Eloqua User Access Levels
Eloqua Core Implementation Setup
- Blocked Domains
- Eloqua User List
- Eloqua Asynchronous Web Tracking
- Eloqua Email Groups
- 3rd Party Web Tracking Integration
- Eloqua Naming Convention
- Eloqua Marketing Asset Foldering Structure
- Eloqua Central API User Maintenance
- Eloqua Contact Database Architecture
- Website Form Integration
- Eloqua Seed Lists
- Eloqua Email Templates for Marketing
- Automated Top-Level Eloqua Reporting
- Subscription Status Custom Object
Eloqua Implementation Essential Background Programs
- Hardbounce & Unsubscribe program
- Internal Marketing Email Validation Program
- Subscription Status Program
- Contact Activity Status Program
- Purchased List Expiry Program
- Email Frequency Program
- Contact Washing Machine Program
- Automated Persona Assignment Program
- Data Governance Program
Part 3. Eloqua Marketing Systems Architecture
You need to always know what other systems your Eloqua instance is integrated into. If you don't you are going to have a bad time. You need to fully document everything before testing and release. Your Eloqua Marketing Systems Architecture section is exactly where...
Part 2. Eloqua Architecture Document
If you do not have an Eloqua Architecture Document you are going to have a bad time. You need to fully document everything before testing and release. Your Eloqua Architecture Document will detail all the customized back end parts of your Eloqua setup so if there...