
Eloqua Picklists – ISO Code, EN, NL, FR, DE & ES Countries

Jun 11, 2019

Recently I have been working on form migrations and whilst this post will concentrate on Eloqua and Eloqua picklists it should be noted that you can use this list for any platform really.

In Eloqua as with any other system, a picklist is a list with two columns:

  • Name
  • Value

When an Eloqua picklist is added to a form field the name is the part that the end user will see, value is the back-end value that gets stored in the Eloqua database.

A simple example of an Eloqua picklist would be days of the week:

Name Value
Monday 01
Tuesday 02
Wednesday 03
Thursday 04
Friday 05
Saturday 06
Sunday 07

On the front end of the Eloqua form that uses this Eloqua picklist for days of the week the user will see a dropdown with the days of the week but when they submit the form the number value is what gets passed back.

Right now you may be thinking, why do we pass back another value to the Eloqua database?

We do this because we are going to pass the Eloqua database value back to a CRM platform.  Most CRM systems these days use language packs which will then translate the value back into a name for a picklist in the CRM depending on permission settings.

A CRM user with French language permissions will see Lundi for Monday but the backend value remains 01.

Back to the country list….  Over the years, time and time again I have had to compile a list of countries in various languages, so I have decided to compile a list for you.

Here is the start of the list:

AF Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanestan Afghanistan Afghanestan
AL Albania Albanië Albanie Albanien Albania
DZ Algeria Algerije Algérie Algerien Argelia
AS American Samoa Amerikaans-Samoa Samoa Américaines Amerikanisch-Samoa Samoa Americana
AD Andorra Andorra Andorre Andorra Andorra
AO Angola Angola Angola Angola Angola
AI Anguilla Anguilla Anguilla Anguilla Anguilla
AQ Antarctica Antarctica Antarctique Antarktis Antártida
AG Antigua and Barbuda Antigua en Barbuda Antigua-et-Barbuda Antigua und Barbuda Antigua y Barbuda
AR Argentina Argentinië Argentine Argentinien Argentina

If you want me to send you the excel list, please message me or connect on LinkedIn here.

Adding your picklist to Eloqua

To create a picklist in Eloqua you need to go to Settings > Manage Picklists.

Click on Picklist > Add new picklist.

Give your Eloqua picklist a name and the click Save.

Now you need to carve up the country list excel file you have from me so you have country ISO code and the corresponding country name in the chosen language.  Add two new columns at the top of you excel file, Option Value and Option Name.  Option Value is the column heading for ISO code and Option Name is the front end label that users will see on the front end of your form.

Click on Picklist > Upload Picklist.

Give your new Eloqua picklist an upload name (it really doesn’t matter about this) then click on Next.

Click on Choose file, select the file in the window that comes up and click on Upload and Preview Data.

You will now see the list of uploaded name and values.  Provided you have selected the right file to upload into Eloqua click on Next.

Check that Option name/Value match up to the corresponding columns in your new Eloqua picklist, then click Next.

Click Next to import the list.

Now your import is ready, just click Finish and it is complete.

So now you have it!  Once again hit me up on LinkedIn for the countries excel file and thanks for reading.

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