
Eloqua Technical Articles

Eloqua Training 2.0: Eloqua Blind Form Submit

I quite often get asked during implementations for functionality over and above clickthroughs on emails or request that button on their website do things that they wish to use form processing functionality for. Well, the geniuses at Oracle came up with blind form...

Designing an off the shelf lead nurture engine for Oracle

A few years back Oracle asked me to design an off the shelf partner lead nurturing engine that they could use to enable their partners to market to their own databases on a shared instance of Eloqua. They essentially wanted me to architect what I had created when I...

Eloqua Blog: Lead Nurturing Markie – Runner Up

I am going to switch tack with some more theoretical posts rather than the technical ones.  Before I begin though I feel it is appropriate to establish my credibility though in the field as a marketer.  It was 2011 and I returned to work at Axios Systems back up in...

Eloqua Blog: New Topics

It has come to the time of year where I need to ask you all what you want me to write about next.  Please use the poll below to vote for the topics you want covered, you can also add your own topics...  so...
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